National Officers
National President: Mely Diaz (Manila)
North Luzon Vice-President: Sally Aoigan (Laoag)
South Luzon Vice-President: Nora Tecson (Malolos)
Visayas Vice-President: Carmen Sto. Domingo (Cebu)
Mindanao Vice-President: Estrella Madrid (Tagum)
Secretary: Liza Viola (Manila)
Asst. Secretary: Liz Yu (Cebu)
Treasurer: Tweenie Dionisio (Manila)
Asst. Treasurer: Nina Caleon (Ilagan)
Auditor: Pie Enriquez (Pampanga)
MBMG Chapters
As of June 2020, the Mother Butler Mission Guilds has 52 chapters across the Philippines. Chapters are divided into four main regions: North Luzon, South Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. You may click the corresponding button on the map for more news for the different chapters in each region.

Prayer for the Beatification of
Mother Marie Joseph Butler, RSHM
Lord, You have given us an example
of heroic consecration to Your service
in Mother Marie Joseph Butler.
Show us that she is worthy
of veneration on Your altar,
and fill us with the burning aspiration
of her life, to serve You alone,
and all Your people for Your sake. Amen.